Reading can be a fascinating hobby and a source of enriching knowledge, but what is less known is that it also has some disadvantages that should not be overlooked.
Requires a minimum of basic knowledge
While for some people reading is a pleasure, for others things are a bit more complicated, especially in poor countries. Access to education is not the same for everyone. Moreover, in France, there are many more illiterate people, who can neither write nor read, than you might think. To enjoy reading, however, you need to have a certain base in the matter.
Having some imagination to enjoy reading
Let's face it, reading is boring. You need to be able to... project yourself to enjoy it. Not everyone does.
A waste of time
Reading requires a significant investment of time. It is not enough to do a quick read to enjoy a good book. It is also necessary to understand every sentence and the storyline.
Requires a lot of memory
By the time you get to the next chapter, you may have forgotten the last one. This is an activity reserved for those with a long memory only.
Reading leads to isolation
Reading opens a window to another world. It is a simple way to escape. Nevertheless, it can also be a disadvantage and a big one. You may be tempted to isolate yourself from the rest of the world.
Reading requires a substantial budget
Whether you rent books or buy one, whether you get them on the net or elsewhere, reading is nowadays an expensive activity. On average, a great reader invests a good hundred euros per year in the search for the best novels. And we're talking about buying second-hand books.
Reading takes up too much space
Once you've finished reading a book, you'll have to put it away. This can be problematic in an apartment of about 20 m2 where you already lack space to live. However, some people have found a solution to this problem: book swapping between book lovers.